Without Dusana, I wouldn’t have been able to succeed! Her encouraging words assure me that she truly cares about me and my continued success. My health improved significantly, I look younger, have energy and I do a lot more activities.

In March 2019 ( 11 months ago) I was at the rock bottom with my body and mind. My knees hurt 24 hours a day and I had low self-esteem. I was so heavy I could not reach and cut my toenails. I had no lap; where a lap was supposed to be, I had a belly.

Dusana has been in my life about 3 years. I knew I needed help and I was ready to change my bad habits. She helped me to find my way when I was ready. I knew I was ready.

She helped ma with healthy plan for the rest of my life. Since March 2019 I have lost 113 pounds. All without exercise, depriving myself, or counting calories. I’m never hungry. Fresh fruits and vegetables are so good! I also went to my family physician and he was amazed by my transformation. He even changed my regular visits to once a year from every six months. I am very happy about my progress and success!

Shirley Ownbey

Dr.Dusana – I am amazed how you put together plans for our success on how to be healthy.

The way you explain how to prepare our foods is real. Your recipes are very tasty & filling. I am amazed at your knowledge in healthy eating.

You are a caring pleasant person to work with. Your knowledge is of the highest level.

Thank you

Edward Ownbey

My name is Mary and I have been struggling with weight and related health issues for years. In my younger days I have tried many diets, unfortunately with just one outcome.

I would always gain the weight back and then some more. So, at some point I gave up. But with older age I was experiencing lack of energy, no interest to do things, had many aches, and used food for comfort.

I was lucky to have the chance to meet with Dusana and spend some time in her company. She is very passionate about healthy eating and open to share tips and recipes.

So I got interested. I watched her to prepare foods, to do shopping and got thinking that this easier then I imagined. So I started asking questions. She would spend time with me and explain in details how our body worked, why I needed to make changes that she was recommending.

In addition, she would also be so positive and encouraging me to show how easy it is to follow her Weight Loss Program. So, I was hooked. I did the three months program and to my surprise I didn’t have to go hungry, the plan was made for my specific needs and I have lost 25 pounds easily. I didn’t have to exercise, yet I gained more energy, life became exciting, my mood is better. I also don’t have the pain anymore and my blood pressure is better as well.

I keep living by the philosophy of the program and keep losing even more weight. Now (5 months later) I can say that I believe it and have self-confidence to keep the weight off.

Marry M

On the first time in my life, feel that my days turn up the way I want them to, with my energy being significantly higher than it has been in years.

Just in couple of weeks of using Dusana’s method many of my days unfold better
Than could ever hope for.

Joan Fields

I am more confident that I could do things that I enjoy. I make better decisions about my health and feel the energy coming back!

Dusana is excellent in explaining things and helping me to make the change happen!



Dusana, thank you for bringing my wife back from her mental prison. You even gave her the courage to cook again. I was pleasantly surprised to Instant Pot veggie soup, which hasn’t happen for years! I am very encouraged by her improvement since seeing you. You’re a terrific healer. You have helped us both more then you know.
