My name is Dr.Dusana Plechlo and I started my work experience as an RN and a Health Psychologist.

My main focus is on helping clients to:

  • lose weight
  • set up a lifestyle based on their health condition
  • improve their everyday functioning and live a more fulfilling life

I have developed a weight loss program based on understanding our body’s natural cycles, ideal functioning and supporting its self-healing and detoxing abilities. When we allow our bodies to their job in the best possible time, while supplied with healthy, nurturing food, we are able to lose weight, while re-gaining more energy and youthful vitality.

All disease begins in the gut”   – Hippocrates

Chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, and depression are rising to epidemic proportions – and research shows that they can be traced back to an irritated and inflamed gut. In addition, many relatively minor ailments, such as constipation, eczema, lack of libido, aches, and pains, and fatigue are directly linked to gut dysfunction and our eating habits. My programs focus on helping people with a chronic condition to make decisions and change their lifestyle to live healthier and fulfilling lives.

I am an expert on motivating clients to make changes and decisions that improve your health and daily functioning. I am passionate about making a difference in people’s lives and I have set up my programs to help those who are living with a chronic condition to be successful at losing weight, feeling better and more energetic.

On top of my professional experience, I have actually ‘walked the walk’ of life with the chronic condition myself (read my personal story here).

I manage my condition while traveling and working around the world, having first-hand experience of how challenging life could be.


I believe in bringing people results through my work! That is why I focus on health coaching and teaching people strategies and techniques to manage a variety of chronic health conditions. During nearly twenty years of working as a Psychologist and Health Coach, I have worked with thousands of clients and understand the complexity of issues and life situations. In addition, due to my personal experience of managing life with chronic disease and several food allergies, I use my expertise as well as my own experience to help others.

As I have experienced first-hand, how challenging and overwhelming life with a chronic condition can be, I focus on helping people to BRING ENERGY, STRENGTHS, and CONFIDENCE back to their lives.