Many years ago, when my health was deteriorating and I was desperate to understand more about how our body works and how I could help it to work even better I came across Harvey and Marilyn Diamond’s, Fit for Life. Part of this book explained that our body’s digestion undergoes three natural cycles every 24 hours. That got me interested. Even though I was already a nurse, this was never taught in school or anywhere else. So, it got my attention. As I compared this information to everything we know about our body’s functioning, it made so much sense.

So I decided to give it a try and see how my own body would respond. The outcome was astonishing. As I started paying more attention to what my body needed at specific times, many of my symptoms disappeared. I felt more energetic and didn’t feel like napping anymore. I was very excited about my success and started sharing it with other people. My husband was the next person, who started eating according to body cycles. Surprisingly, even as a physically working man, he quickly became accustomed to starting the day with drinking more water and eating fruit, instead of heavy breakfast.

This was amazing, as that was the number one question for me, can people in a different line of work and life still benefit from this knowledge? The answer is yes. Since then, many years went by, and we continue eating according to body cycle. I have even developed the whole program of healthy eating for health and weight loss and many of my clients benefit from following rules of body cycle.

When we realize that our digestion is responsible for so much more than simply “eating” our food, we might start appreciating and supporting it much more. Trust me, when I found out that our gut is responsible for the majority of our immune system I was surprised. The other thing that I didn’t know, that gut even produces more serotonin and dopamine then our brain. Here is a clear link even between gut health and depression and other mood disorders. In light of those recent findings, it will be very wise to make small changes to our eating habits and support our great body by following the natural laws of the body cycle.

My presentation follows:

  • 4 am-noon: elimination (body needs water).
  • Noon-8 pm: eating and digestion (body needs food).
  • 8 pm-4 am: absorption and assimilation (body needs rest).